Lunch Forums
HAEP’s premier activity is the Lunch Forum. Leading researchers, officials, and industry representatives discuss topical environmental issues facing Hawaii. The forum are held several times per year and provide great opportunities learn something new and share ideas. Past Lunch Forum topics and speakers have included:
- "Updates to the Hawaii Department of Health Technical Guidance Manual", Roger Brewer, HDOH
- "Challenges in Remote Site Work: Yap Landfill Remediation", Myounghee Noh
- "How NOAA Fisheries Protects “Essential Fish Habitat”, and Why It Matters"
- “Hawaii No Ka Oi” – How Hawaii got to where it is today, an evolutionary and ecological perspective. Presented by Richard Palmer, Ph.D., Hawaii Department of Health.
- “Hurricane Preparedness…Where do we stand?” Presented by Thomas Schroeder, Director Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research University of Hawaii
- “Carbon Footprinting: Policy, Technology, Hawaiian Applications.” Presented by Terry Surles, Ph.D, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute
- “The Federal SPCC Rule: Updated and Recent Amendments to 40 CFR 112.” Presented by Mr. Peter Reich, US EPA Region 9 Oil Program Inspector.
Release Response Working Group
The HAEP Release Response Working Group (RRWG) began meeting in July 2006 to provide an informal setting for open discussions between DOH and consultants working on site investigations and remediation. Representatives from the DOH Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response (HEER) Office, Voluntary Response Program (VRP), and Site Discovery, Assessment and Remediation (SDAR) sections are helping to facilitate these discussions. RRWG Topics have included:
- "Use of Decision Unit and MIS Investigation Approaches to Characterize a Subsurface TCE Plume, Site CG110, Hickam Air Force Base"
- “Effective Use of Multi-increment Sampling.”
- DOH Technical Guidance Manual (TGM) Updates -Open Forum and Discussion
NAEP Webinars
The National Association of Environmental Professionals regularly schedules webinars open to members of NAEP as well as chapter members, such as HAEP. In 2011, HAEP began offering its members free access to the NAEP webinars. The informative NAEP webinars cover a variety of environmental topics and are offered a few times per year. Topics have included:
- May 21, 2014: NAEP Webinar: NEPA Legal and Regulatory Update
- August 7, 2013: "ACHP/CEQ Guidance for Integrating NEPA and Section 106"* (*Registration open to Current HAEP Members only)
- May 15, 2013: NEPA 2012 Legal and Regulatory Update
- March 12, 2013: "Environmental Planning under MAP-21 Transportation Projects"
- September 19, 2012: "USACOE Permits and Associated Water Quality Certifications"
- June 20, 2012: "NEPA Legal and Policy Update"
- April 25, 2012: "CEQ Guidance on NEPA Review and Streamlining"
- March 21, 2012: "Using Avoidance Strategies to Facilitate Review of Renewable Energy Development Projects on Public Lands"
- January 25, 2012. "Native American Consultation for Environmental Professionals"
- November 9, 2011. “Recent Developments Related to the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Guidelines”
- June 15, 2011. “NEPA Legal and Policy Update”
- April 7, 2011. “Appropriate Use of Mitigation and Monitoring and Clarifying the Appropriate Use of Mitigated Findings of No Significant Impact.”